Course Description
This is the narrated version of the introductory slide show that is also on Linkedin's slide share. The purpose is to introduce Mindful Medicine, our series of educational courses on the evidence-based application of mindfulness training and practice for the recovery from, and prevention of, a wide range of physical and mental health issues. These conditions include our first course on the recovery from chronic pain, which is now available. An online Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program which is exactly the same as the one Dr Nick Penney teaches 'live' in Auckland will be available later in 2016.
A course on the use of mindfulness for managing Bodily Distress Syndrome (including fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, multiple chemical sensitivity and other medically undifferentiated symptoms) is also under construction, and others will follow. Case studies will also be added to the web site to illustrate how our education and understanding of the biopsychosocial model combined with mindfulness training has impacted so positively on the patients we see with these conditions.
For more information or advice on the courses please email [email protected]
Dr Nick
Dr Nick Penney
Course creator

Course curriculum
Introducing Mindful Medicine
Welcome to Mindful Medicine! pdf